Close Contact Handgun OKC, 10/22-23/2022

Close Contact Handgun, OKC 10/22-23/2022

I will be teaching my Close Contact Handgun coursework in Oklahoma City at the CCWSafe range on October 22-23,2022. I am pumped to be able to bring this class to OK because I think it is the most useful on a daily basis coursework I teach.

This is the fundamental base where we try to ensure that we don’t end up in an entanglement, and we can use our handgun to maximum effect. There is some very minor physical contact in the class, but it is extremely limited, making the course suitable for anyone who is looking to get their feet wet in the close range self-defense envelope. This is a great introduction to the 0-5 yds gunfighting envelope for those who have been hesitant to do so from lack of physical conditioning or little experience in H2H fighting , and has the thumbs up for Craig Douglas of Shivworks (since we shamelessly are teaching a great deal of his material in the course). We have had some great feedback results when we taught this course before, including people who have taken ECQC. We are looking forward to doing it again.