Just Start

For those of us who are all about being a multi-disciplinary thinking tactician and one who is truly prepared for whatever life throws at us, we need to deal with a great deal of information and material. One of the things I talk about a lot, both in writing, teaching, and being interviewed on podcasts is something that keeps coming up by people emailing or messaging me. It is one of the most important lessons I try to emphasize, but one that gets lost in the avalanche of things we concern ourselves with in this lifestyle. What I try to preach, again and again and again, is to JUST START.

Start what? Start training! Just start something. I don’t care what it is. I get a lot of questions about the best way to start, what area should be the focus, and how to find the right training. Here’s the thing. I T DOES NOT MATTER. What matters is that you are working on something.

Should you find a BJJ academy first? Should you take a defensive shooting class? What about medical? And then we worry about health and fitness. Wait, what about the pre-fight threat containment? And on and on ad infinitum. I have even contributed to it by writing different articles on my blog about specific pathways you can take when studying unarmed fighting methods.

It is easy to develop paralysis by analysis. We get so stressed about finding the perfect path. We hem and haw and waste time.

Stop the wasted time. Pick something you can do right now, and begin walking the path. It may be joining a jiu-jitsu school, or buying a kettlebell. It may be signing up for coursework with Craig Douglas or William April or an OC class with Chuck Haggard. Perhaps Tom Givens is doing one of his Intensive Pistol Skills courses (probably my single favorite class Tom teaches and the one I think is truly indispensible for the private citizen) within reasonable distance. Or you saw the Red Cross has their one day first aid/CPR/AED class coming up close to your house. I don’t care. And I don’t care which one you do first. Just do something.

The path only truly begins when you take the initial step. JUST START. NOW.