More Entangled Weapon Fights

Once again, we have another edition of what should be beating a dead horse, but it’s not dead, because too many people keep trying to pretend it is still alive.

Here we see another entangled weapons fight completely involving private citizens that just happened in Oakland.

Take note that the bad guys closed to contact distance immediately to heighten their control. Also note that they were touching and grabbing the victims almost the entire time. Watch the robber on the right of the screen – he even at one point goes to a classic retention position with his handgun as he manhandles his victim and turns him completely around. He especially is focused on controlling his victim in what anyone familiar with grappling would see as clinch control.

Look as well at where the guns are pointed the entire time. The only time one of the guns was not pointed at the victims, the robber was physically controlling the good guy. For those folks who espouse the “if someone tries to wrassle me, I will just shoot them” ethos, please explain at what point that was a viable option?

The other thing that stood out to me was how easy it would have been for the first victim to grab the gun and immediately work into a good control position. He would not even have had to lunge forward since the bad guy brought the gun (and himself) into the victim’s workspace. But that did not happen because he didn’t know how to do it, or that it was even a thing. A fact that the “grappling never happens with weapons” crowd just does not get.

Just because you think you understand what weapons grappling looks like or even what it is, does not mean that you actually do.