Peer Measurement

This comes up again and again, especially with people who are relatively new to jiujitsu. It is extremely prevalent with those who come from another field of study where they have achieved some semblance of success such as the firearms community. They are used to seeing a very quick demonstration that they have either improved or not, simply by shooting a drill that takes all of a few seconds.

It does not work that way where there is physical opposition from another person.

Any time we are training in a physical activity where there is oppositional force such as in any of the combat sports, we run into the problem of measurement, specifically in a regular measuring of our performance and whether we are getting better or not.

If we are lifting weights, doing cardio or yoga, or shooting on a range, performance tracking is easy. With strength training, all we have to determine is are we lifting more weight, or more often? With cardio, are we going longer and/or faster? With yoga, are we stretching more, or hitting poses more solidly for longer periods of time. Shooting may be the easiest to track. Are we more accurate/faster than we were the last time we shot? All easily measured and even more easily understood.

But when working against the variable and almost endless possibilities that occur going against someone else, all that measurement becomes more like guesswork and a lot of “well, maybe”. Nothing is more frustrating that working really hard at getting better at a particular move, being able to do it perfectly well in isolation, but never pulling it off when there is resistance. We wonder if it is the move, or us. Actually, there is something more frustrating – when sometimes a move works, but other times, against the same opponent, it does not, and we can’t figure out why! That can border on heartbreaking.

The solution? I don’t know that there is one! Comforting, right? What we can do though is re-orient how we view progress, especially in the macro sense.

One of the things that it is easy to forget is that the person we are training against is working too, and may very well be working as hard and as much as you. We have to remember that while we are getting better, so are they and that can skew our relative view of our performance. Take my personal case as an example. I have 4 regular black belt training partners that are truly my peers. We are all within 10 years of each other in age, close in weight, and have been doing BJJ for close to the same amount of time, and we all train around the same number of hours in a week. When any of us roll against each other, the chance that one of us is going to dominate the other is remote. Occasionally, one of us might pull off someone cool, and be able to fully control the round, or even get the other person to tap. More often, like 98% of the time, the rolls are pretty even. If we were scoring them like a tournament, the typically result is either a close victory 3-2, 5-3, or pretty much a tie 0-0 where one or the other may have gotten an advantage (i.e. “almost a point”). If I focus on how I do with them, I could easily get discouraged. No matter how much I train, unless they stop training totally, I am not going to leap past them.

Instead, the person to focus our measurement against is the newer person, the less experienced guy. Can we get a move on him that we have not gotten before at all? If the answer is yes, more often than not, it means you are getting better. Especially if we are focused on self-defense, then the more accurate gauge anyway is against a person how knows little if any about BJJ, so the newer trainee is more precise in letting us know whether we are better or not.

Another way to look is against someone much superior to us. If that guy for example typically taps us five times in a six minute round, but then we consistently only get tapped two times, then we are better. Is that as much of an ego boost as being able to do something offensive back to them? Well, no, but it is realistic.

To sum up, don’t view your performance on a day to day measure, but rather over a longer period of time, say a month, and focus on what you did against people who you can do stuff against

Entangled WBE Encounter – video

So we have another installment of the visual proof that not only does entangled fighting happen with weapons involved, ground grappling also happens.  Much to the chagrin of those who prefer to be lazy or scared of doing any such training.

This video is of a very recent (4-25-22 to be precise) robbery in NYC.

I won’t go into extreme detail because I have made the overarching point over and over again, so I will focus on a few specific details for this incident.

  1. Entanglement happens, even when it does not have to. Note that it looks like the victims were cooperating (or at least not resisting) but still two robbers initiated the attachment. In both instances, the robber in the black jacket knocks one victim to the ground, and then takes back control of the other victim, after the weapons have already come out. Both victims ended up on the ground when they obviously did not want to, but that was irrelevant. They did not have the skill set to prevent it, and the bad guys were willing to do it. Those two points get lost when the anti-grappling in the street people start pontificating on something that they have no experience in or understanding of.
  2. Note that even on the ground and not resisting, there was physical attachment between victim and robber, even with a weapon in play. The bad guys did not stand off at a distance but rather made contact with both victims to take what they wanted.
  3. Look at how close the handgun in the hands of black hoodie robber is to the victim on the ground on the left of the video at about the :12 second mark. This is a classic starting point in an ECQC evolution that every student goes through. What was that about this stuff never happening????
  4. My favorite part of this video is the environment. Where does robbery occur? In a closed space? Nope. An open and fairly broad sidewalk. Plenty of room to move, and yet it still becomes an entangled fight. Again, this is overlooked by those who try desperately to argue against these scenarios as anything plausible.

Beating A Dead Horse. Again. And Again.

I know I should be much more pleasant and professional with these articles, but I keep finding it harder and harder to act that way. When you have prominent members of the training community screeching over and over again how entangled fights with weapons never happens to private citizens (to the point one of them even specifically said after watching thousands of videos he’s NEVER seen them go to the ground!), it becomes very difficult to play nice. When I keep reading/hearing/seeing this kind of either willful ignorance or willful lying, I admit to my blood pressure spiking.

And this has nothing to do with any personal offense. I quite literally don’t care when people say the material I teach is not applicable. It is something I have dealt with publicly for 25 years. When you have well known instructors actually go behind your back to spread lies about you, you learn to just shrug it off and keep going.

What does get me angry is that by saying these insipid and provably wrong statements like “grappling does not happen in the street”, these “experts” are setting the stage for good people to get hurt or even killed. THAT bothers me, and yes, I can get overly worked up about it.

This was brought home to me a couple of days ago when I was sent the following video. A perfect illustration of if you don’t know and have not trained for this scenario, the only way you will survive is entirely based on whether the bad guy kills you or not. It is totally at his discretion, not yours.

Watch the video and take note of the following points:

  1. Note how the victim had no idea of what to do to stop the attack. He held on to the attacker’s body all while the bad guy was hammering him on the head with the pistol. THIS is why I get so angry at the idiots who insist these kinds of scenarios never happen. Anyone with just a small bit of grappling understands how to look to control the arms of the other person. Not just conceptually, but with proven and easily applied high percentage techniques. Even if the attacker started the fight with surprise, the good guy had plenty of time to control the attacking arms. It is not hard, it just takes a bit of knowledge first, and then a bit of practice.
  2. Look at how the attacker proceeded with his assault. He had a gun, and he still closed the distance to grab onto the victim. This is the common action. Even with a gun, the bad guy has to get close enough to the victim to get the profitable thing the bad guy wants. How realistic is that he will stand 20 yards away, wave a gun, and say “drop your wallet there”?
  3. Where did the good guy end up? ON THE GROUND! Did he want to be there? Almost certainly not. Did the bad guy intend to put him on the ground? Most likely not, but he does not care. As long as he can maintain control and get what he wants, where the situation goes is not relevant to him. He does not need to be a trained grappler; he just needs to apply force against someone who has zero idea of how to counter it. Why did it go to the ground? Because the victim’s head was forced back past his tailbone, which is the main reason we fall down in these circumstances. Regardless of how you desire the fight to go, it easily will go to the ground if you don’t have the slightest idea of how to prevent it. Just having the idea in your head to “not go to the ground” (because some moronic internet expert said it is a bad idea) has nothing to do with actually being successful at not going there. You need a physical action to stop that, not well wishes.
  4. For those non-grapplers who advocate foul tactics as a way to combat grapplers, please point out where the victim could have employed any of them? Not standing because the bad guy was completely free to pistol whip the good guy. And once on the ground, the bad guy had control not only of his arms, but of the space and position as well. Even if the victim had any notion of eye gouging, biting, hair pulling, etc. it was irrelevant because he had no opportunity to utilize them. A basic tenet of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is the position trumps submission, and this is a perfect encapsulation of that. The only way for the good guy to have won this scenario was to have an actual grappling skill set. Period.

I know this might come across heavy handed in my attitude, but trying to help good people be safer is important to me, and when “experts” give stupid advice that contributes to them possibly getting hurt or killed, I get angry. And for that, I will not apologize for my advocacy.

More Entangled Weapon Fights

Once again, we have another edition of what should be beating a dead horse, but it’s not dead, because too many people keep trying to pretend it is still alive.

Here we see another entangled weapons fight completely involving private citizens that just happened in Oakland.

Take note that the bad guys closed to contact distance immediately to heighten their control. Also note that they were touching and grabbing the victims almost the entire time. Watch the robber on the right of the screen – he even at one point goes to a classic retention position with his handgun as he manhandles his victim and turns him completely around. He especially is focused on controlling his victim in what anyone familiar with grappling would see as clinch control.

Look as well at where the guns are pointed the entire time. The only time one of the guns was not pointed at the victims, the robber was physically controlling the good guy. For those folks who espouse the “if someone tries to wrassle me, I will just shoot them” ethos, please explain at what point that was a viable option?

The other thing that stood out to me was how easy it would have been for the first victim to grab the gun and immediately work into a good control position. He would not even have had to lunge forward since the bad guy brought the gun (and himself) into the victim’s workspace. But that did not happen because he didn’t know how to do it, or that it was even a thing. A fact that the “grappling never happens with weapons” crowd just does not get.

Just because you think you understand what weapons grappling looks like or even what it is, does not mean that you actually do.

Grappling in a Criminal Attack

I recently heard a prominent member of the firearms community comment publicly that “we don’t see grappling happen on the street”.  I can only conclude from this that said person is either woefully dumb or willfully ignorant.

Trying to be positive on this, perhaps they are just looking at violence and criminal activity through a narrow lens of firearms, and the only thing of consequence is gun related. While this is understandable, it does not make it okay. Telling the public that grappling does not happen and they don’t need to worry about it will get good people hurt or even killed.

Just to show how foolish this attitude is, here is a video that just came past my feed, and just occurred in NYC. Take a look and tell me what you see.

No guns involved but there is still violence and it most assuredly is a grappling situation. It is even called that by the reporter. Not only is it from NYC where being able to carry a weapon as a private citizen is near impossible, I will be willing to bet that the company she is working at has a specific non-weapons policy. She has few options, and the job itself forces her to be at close range to customers, so it is no surprise to those who have a truly open minded approach to what actually occurs in the real world that when the bad guy wants to take what he wants, and goes to physically impose his threats on her, it becomes an entanglement, and more so a ground fight because those who don’t grapple are far more likely to go to the ground when they don’t want to.

The only thing that saved this woman from death or grave injury was that the criminal did not push it that far. He easily could have.

I would really like the internet expert have a face to face meeting with this woman so he could tell her why her scenario did not actually happen…….

Close Contact Handgun OKC, 10/22-23/2022

Close Contact Handgun, OKC 10/22-23/2022

I will be teaching my Close Contact Handgun coursework in Oklahoma City at the CCWSafe range on October 22-23,2022. I am pumped to be able to bring this class to OK because I think it is the most useful on a daily basis coursework I teach.

This is the fundamental base where we try to ensure that we don’t end up in an entanglement, and we can use our handgun to maximum effect. There is some very minor physical contact in the class, but it is extremely limited, making the course suitable for anyone who is looking to get their feet wet in the close range self-defense envelope. This is a great introduction to the 0-5 yds gunfighting envelope for those who have been hesitant to do so from lack of physical conditioning or little experience in H2H fighting , and has the thumbs up for Craig Douglas of Shivworks (since we shamelessly are teaching a great deal of his material in the course). We have had some great feedback results when we taught this course before, including people who have taken ECQC. We are looking forward to doing it again.

Upcoming Product Review

I am excited to be working with Elite Sports and Born Tough to try out their products. The designs are really nice, pricing is fair, and I am really looking forward to training in their gear to see how it stansk up.

I will come up with a review post once the product testing is done
Keep an eye out for these updates.

Check them out here:

BJJ Rash Guards

BJJ Gi’s

BJJ Shorts

Hold Fast

I think TV and movies gives us a false impression of what success or winning looks like. We always imagine those things to be like the end of Rocky 2 with us holding up the championship belt.

The truth is that sometimes winning is small. Sometimes the victory is in taking one step forward when everything screams at you to pull the covers over your head and hide, or just standing upright when the hurricane is doing its best to blow you over, or even just getting out of bed itself. Stepping on the mat when you feel like doing anything but, or lifting that weight that feels too much today, or showing kindness to a stranger when you feel the world not being kind to you. All of these are definitive wins.

Don’t lose heart and Hold fast.

Seminar: NPE Counter Robbery June 10-12, 2022 Meadhall Range, OK

There are two kind of handguns that we can use for self-defense – Going to Trouble guns, and Getting Out of Trouble guns. While we would all prefer to carry full size duty guns with multiple spare magazines (Going to Trouble guns) as our EDC set up, the fact is that most of us cannot 100% of the time. Because of various restrictions – whether legal, social, or environmental, we often have to defend ourselves with gear that may not be the best when we are shooting fancy drills on the square range (i.e. Getting Out of Trouble guns). Instead of bemoaning that truth, we need to spend the time working on being able to run our actual carry to the best of our ability. That is what this course is all about.

In this class, we will look at how to effectively shoot and manage the smaller handguns that are typical of a non-permissive environment – i.e. snub revolvers and small autos like the G43 or LCP. We will learn to maximize our performance in shooting as well as accessing and drawing these guns. We will also integrate the shooting with understanding how to recognize and deal with impending violent criminal assault, and how to use OC spray and physical responses alongside our firearms. Most importantly, we will put these practices into actual use the exact same way we will have to use them in the real world; NOT the artificial constraints of a flat range.

Students should be ready to work hard, but everyone can go at the most appropriate pace they need. This is not a class for “operators”. This is a course for everyday folks who want to defend themselves and their loved ones from realistic threats, and your physical condition or experience level does not matter.

Students will need their carry gun, as many spare ammo carrier/loader set ups as they can manage, a quality holster (no SERPAs or FOBUS rigs allowed), 300 rounds of ammo, one blue gun and holster for the blue gun, notebook and pen, and an open mind. Also, this will be an opportunity to try different carry positions such as pocket or ankle. There will also be time and opportunity to try out other small guns that the student may not have the chance to run before.

Friday – Intro to pre-assault cues, pre-fight threat containment and MUC, OC use, and live fire safety briefing

Sat – 1st block: live fire, familiarity with drawstroke from various carry positions, tricks with small guns

2nd block: MUC and reactive or proactive physical response

3rd block: OC usage drilling and integration with verbals and movement, congruency with physical responses

4th block: live fire

Sunday – 1st block: live fire

2nd block: defending against the entanglement

3rd block: moving in crowds with a gun in hand (blue gun)

4th block: final drill/test

Austin TX Seminar 8/19-21/22

I will be teaching my foundational coursework in Austin, TX for the first time on August

I really like what I have experienced of Austin so far, and I am excited to spend some time there. This will be my only time in Texas for 2022 so come on and jump in!

Some of the things covered are:

Surviving/defending/escaping from the bottom
Getting back to your feet / staying upright
Defending against strikes on the ground or clinch
Denying the attacker weapon access – understanding technique, positional hierarchy, and timing
Proper role of “dirty tactics”
Multiple opponents
Essential training principles, methods, and drills
Underlying concepts and mindset for the clinch in a self-defense context
Dealing with the sucker punch/ambush
Fundamentals of the clinch
Controlling the entanglement
Disengaging and making distance for escape, weapons access or orientation reset
Performance coaching and troubleshooting
Structuring and balancing your training for a real world lifestyle

Sign up here:…s-265325735417

To sign up with a 50% deposit, just use the code “DEPOSIT” at checkout

Jiu Jitsu | pugilism | edged weapons | contact pistol